Timed life components

In order to avoid fatigue failures, certain parts on your car should be replaced on mileage / time intervals listed below. These intervals assume a safety margin with typical racing use and do not account for crash damage or other lifespan-reducing circumstances. If a crash or other lifespan-reducing incident occurs, you should consider replacing those components earlier.

You should regularly crack test these and other components involved in any incidents which may reduce lifespan.


10,000 miles / 5 years

  • Front upper a-arms
  • Front lower a-arms
  • Rear upper a-arms
  • Pushrods
  • Bellcranks
  • Fuel cell


5,000 miles / 3 years

  • Rear lower a-arms
  • Pushrod adjusters
  • Suspension mount brackets
  • Axle shafts
  • CVs / tripods
  • Brake pedal
  • Steering arms
  • Wheel bearings
  • Steering shaft


2,500 miles / 2 years

  • Brake discs
  • Brake hats


1,000 miles / 1 year

  • Suspension sphericals and rod-ends
  • Drive chain
  • Drive sprockets
  • Brake disc drive bobbins and hardware

Updated on 16 May 2024